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Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:21 pm
by Nor Dingkundar
Nor continues sniffing for shinys and OOOH shiny smells! Down that tunnel Nor goes!

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:26 pm
by Diamond Master
You put your hand on something shiny, then pull it back in pain.
A little insect, in a puddle of melted ice, removes its mandibles from your mitts and scurries further down the tunnel. It emits a blue glow in a variety of strange spectrums.

At one point, it dives from a side tunnel into a marshy puddle, which soon begins to crystallize into the same glassy, icy substance covering the wall.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:33 pm
by Nor Dingkundar
Nor growl angrily and chase the stupid little bug shiny, determined to bite it back and put it in Nor's hoard. Nor snatches in and yanks the blue bug from puddle as it freezes, making sure to hold it by the back of the shell, debating if he'd eat it or just bite it.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:47 pm
by Diamond Master
You scramble after the bug. After an area of transition, you wind up in the foothills of the Heights.

There, you nab the insect by its carapace.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:06 pm
by Yerkan of Elish
Diamond Master wrote:The mercury button does nothing.

If you do not expect a consequence for failure, it is acceptable to post more than one guess or attempt at once.

Yes, hm. I merely wished to see what sorts of things might happen.

I depress or pull each of the primary elements in order of atomic number and then pull the enormous red lever.

That'd be Chrome, Nickel, Zinc, Silver, Tin, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Uranium, LEVER. I take no precautions before pulling the Uranium lever. My body is filled with enough poisons already, it can handle one more.

Does the device happen to have a button or lever, functioning or not, for Silicon?

Next I will try Diamond, then Quartz, and then the enormous red lever.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:24 am
by Diamond Master
Yerkan of Elish wrote:
I depress or pull each of the primary elements in order of atomic number and then pull the enormous red lever.

That'd be Chrome, Nickel, Zinc, Silver, Tin, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Uranium, LEVER. I take no precautions before pulling the Uranium lever. My body is filled with enough poisons already, it can handle one more.

Does the device happen to have a button or lever, functioning or not, for Silicon?

Next I will try Diamond, then Quartz, and then the enormous red lever.

Both sequences cause a sputtering of the machine.
A piece of tin foil is extruded from a crack, labeled "IMPROPER INPUT."

Whether it has a silicon button is irrelevant, but almost any common material is available in nonfunctioning form. If it helps, you could eventually restore them.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:41 am
by Yerkan of Elish
Ah. But of course. I should not have been so distracted by the beauties of natural marvels. I am becoming too much like Nor already. This is no scientific puzzle, it is a linguistic puzzle.

I shall try a few sequences.

Tin, Emerald, Steel, Tin, LEVER

Opal, Uranium, Tin, Plutonium, Uranium, Tin, Emerald, Gold, Gold, LEVER

Hematite, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, LEVER

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:06 am
by Diamond Master

Ting! The hatch opens and a diamond egg, wrapped in frosty threads, rolls out.

You may hatch this egg at any time, or keep it for later. It has been added to your profile.

Puzzle resets. Others may come to this puzzle if they know another solution to win a mini-egg (first success only).

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:37 am
by Yerkan of Elish
I shall hatch the egg.

Re: 1. A Marshy Thicket

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:51 am
by Diamond Master
Your egg hatches into a yout!

Attack: Very low
Defense: Moderate, magical
Speed and Finesse: High
Intelligence: High
Size: Avian
Special: Lure
The Yout is a fey which appears as a tiny malicious crabbed gnome. They are known to tame will-o-the-wisps and use them as lanterns. They like to lure people into swamps or ambushes with a cunning the wisps do not possess. Sometimes they will use mechanical traps to assist them in luring or destroying prey.

Find a campaign world to send it to!