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2. Gear up - set your character statistics!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:37 am
by the Steep Norns
You can post your responses in this thread.

1. Theme
Hopefully you have already given this one some thought. Choose a personality and looks for your deity, be they good or evil or in between. Gain inspiration from classic mythology or from this thread.

If you'd like, you can enter some of that information in your bio. Or you can just play it more by ear.

2. Domain
Often this is closely tied in with your personality.

Pick any one domain from this list:



3. After you're comfortable, you can set more options in the Unblemished Realms, such as getting paid for a Weakness.

4. Your character has most of the rights of a Hero Deity/ Demigod. If you like what you see on the Pantheon, keep posting after the promotion ends to receive more benefits. GMs may receive promotion to Campaign God.
If you didn't like it, send mail to with suggestions, or just stop posting. In this case your account may be wiped come November or so.

5. Add your campaign world to the the list of campaign worlds.

Now go learn some more about the Labyrinth in thread 3.