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Beginner FAQs

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:21 am
by Diamond Master
Q: Do I have to read all these rules and posts?

A: No, not at all. Their length is merely to provide complete coverage. Accessing the Easy Rules Overview and the tables sticky'd in the Unblemished Realms is actually enough to play the game in its entirety.
You might also be interested in the suggested reading order.
Or you may want to just start posting in-character - you're a god, so most things you might want to do are possible!

Q: Can I participate if I'm not involved in a D&D game or anything like that?

A: Yes, you can. You can play as a solo character who is not affiliated with any campaign worlds. You could also create a campaign world in the form of a story, wiki, or just imply its existence in your posts as a character.

Q: Who can play in the playtest?

A: Anyone can play in the playtest at this time. Simply obtain sponsorship from an existing god or contact the Steep Norns for some help.

Q: Why was I invited?

A: Everyone was invited because they have something to offer, something they've proven in games, words, or deeds.