New homepage, again

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New homepage, again

Postby Diamond Master » Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:54 pm

Arachne stalks up behind you and hisses suddenly:

"The new homepage is up, and has been for a few days. Over time, all pages will come to match this cleaner design, which I'll be tweaking."

"You should be using the navbar at the top to get around the forums, until you are comfortable with where things are."

"The dice were missing for a bit there but have been restored; they are under "Play Games" (abyss) and "Misc Tasks" (1d20, the Lady)."

"You can bookmark the old diamond-encrusted homepage at Nor, please do not steal the diamonds in the homepage."
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Re: New homepage, again

Postby Nor Dingkundar » Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:31 pm

"But but but.... awwww, mushga in a guppa."
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Nor Dingkundar
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