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Potential Playtester List - now relaxed

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:27 pm
by the Steep Norns
EDIT: Most of these rules have been relaxed. You are still welcome to post in this thread for help.

The playtest is by invite only. Invites have gone out. If you didn't get at least an informal invite, don't post in this thread.

The playtest is now live. You can continue to sign up. Once you get a PM from the Norns, you can change your name to your godly name.

If you did get one, post in this thread to confirm you're playing.

Tell us the following things:
    1. What sorts of roles or domains you are interested in
    2. What Tier(s) you wish to play at
    3. Do you have a campaign world(s)?
    4. Your playtesting strengths - what are you good at?
    5. How soon would you be ready to build a character and start play?

Also make sure you read the intro thread to the playtest.

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:48 am
by Yerkan of Elish
Good day,

1. The domains of greatest interest to me are those such as knowledge, space, or sky... I would prefer my role be related to knowledge and the power that results from such.
2. Given what I have in mind, I would like to begin play as a Hero deity.
3. I do have a campaign world. Here is a link to a partially completed wiki: ... aces/dunia
4. I am a roleplayer and a bit of a storyteller. Or perhaps more accurately, a story-listener. I enjoy stories and thought and characters... especially among the ranks of gods and those who would become gods.
5. I am filled with free time most of the time... The date October 7th was mentioned; that date also happens to be when my largest current project ends, leaving me with plenty of free time then.

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:45 pm
by Steepest Durin
Hi all,

I'll be reprising I's role as Durin from th' Icy Wastes. I crawled into th' Garden from a crack in th' Diamond... This place is much nicer for I.

I was gonna introduce I anyway.

1. I've already got I's Crafting domains.
2. I's Steepest Tier.
3. I've no campaign world of I's own.
4. I am an artifact kinda guy.
5. I's character is all built!

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:04 pm
by Xyr

Sorry I am a bit late, the notification email about this was buried deep in the catacombs of my inbox. If it's too late for me to join in, please disregard the following!

I am called Xyr, patron god of the Continent of Xyr. I cause the rain to fall and the sun to rise, the plants to flourish by My benevolent hand and the earth to quake 'neath the hammer of My wrath. I am the Redeemer as well as the Destroyer. I am all that is Good, and I am all that is Evil.

At least, that's the flavor I've got going.

1. I would like to be involved in the realms of darkness and light (courage/fear). I am by no means a wicked nor benevolent god - I simply Act, and the perception of My will is irrelevant to me.
2. I will be a Worldcrafter. Xyr is but one of the realms I have breathed into existence. I have many names, each different in each realm, but for purposes of this pantheon I shall manifest in this guise.
3. I currently have a well-developed and flourishing campaign world that has yet to be played, but is soon to be (hopefully - nobody seems to have the time for these things anymore).
4. I am an avid storyteller and role-player. My greatest joy in life is to witness something I've created being enjoyed by others. I also try to steer away from themes that have been done before, and incorporate a sort of realism to the fantasy.
5. I can make a character basically as soon as possible. A new job of mine has been eating much of my time, but I'm settling into my new schedule and will soon know when and how much my free-time will be.

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:54 pm
by Great Thrash
Dear Deities,

I am the Great Thrash! I've been DMing this campaign world for some 4 years, same characters! It's been great and I think the DP is what it needs to go up to the next level, since the players are epic level.

1. I'm going to try for the Earth domains. Creation is already getting busy.
2. I'd like to be a worldcrafter but campaign god would be acceptable.
3. My campaign world is the world of Sailcloth (and also an alternate reality set on the same planet with different players.) You can find a link on my profile.
4. I'm good at puzzles and numbercrunching and I'm going to try to bring those strengths here. I also drool ideas like most people drool saliva.
5. I'm ready to start!

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:41 am
by Volatilus
Volatilus has arrived precisely as the hunt summons him.

1. Nature, specifically Carnivorous beasts large and small. The Hunt, Volatilus finds his strength in the hunt and bringing down prey, especially when the odds are stacked against the hunter. Unity, using brothers in a pack that share the same goal to achieve the impossible.
2. Pavilion Tier. A God who struts his territory as fiercely as he patrols it, favors the strong and bites hamstrings of the weak.
3. Alwilda is his domain a savage unrelenting realm where the aggressive and strong are crowned kings.
4. I'm a Roleplayer, love filling shoes that are bigger than my own. Play what I haven't played before, try a different role whenever possible and never settle on anything specific. Always full of ideas, I can generate names, characters, and ideas at the drop of a hat. No stranger to DMing and prefer it over being the player but only by a little and have longing for the latter in time.
5. I am Ready.

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:36 am
by Morbus Sano
I apologize greatly for my tardiness,

1. I am interested in playing Morbus, of the disease and healing domains.

2. Morbus is of the hero deity (or maybe campaign god, although)

3. I do not have a campaign world right now (its been over a year since I DMed a game)

4. I am good at rules, but I am most interested in the creation of characters with specifically strange goals and ideas.

5. I can build the character and begin play immediately, but I may be more inactive than others so far. don't expect more than an hour or two a day

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:11 am
by the Steep Norns
Please make an account so you can be given statistics.
Thank you!

Re: Potential Playtester List

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 1:09 am
by Morbus Sano
okay, done