
Rules that affect gameplay, your powers as a character, etc.
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Postby Diamond Master » Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:25 pm

Ready to read the story? Try the Thrashian Histories to catch up.
Suggested Reading Order

Abrominae – a member of the Unblemished Tier. The Abrominae is an enormous serpentlike metagod which eats magic passing between the Facets of the Diamond. This is the reason for many restrictions on deities’ interactions with the world of mortals.

Affiliation – the campaign world from which a god came, or a group a god is allied with in some way.

Apotheosis – being raised a god, or being raised from mundane godhood to the Diamond Pantheon. Performed by the Norns.

Campaign World – a unique story being woven by some sort of game master, dungeon master, player group, or author. Everything fictional you’ve ever read in a book or watched in a movie has taken place in a campaign world. Typically, one campaign world does little to influence another campaign world physically.

Chief Ruler – the character who gets the final say on events relating to a Campaign World.

Council, The – a governing body. Rather than setting mechanical limits, they set social limits and enforce them within the rules of the game.

Crusade – a specific goal. Used to determine when a complete Favor has been fulfilled.

Deity – a very general term that might include demigods, gods, demiurges, fiends, primordials, spirits, godlike heroes. Every character in the Diamond Pantheon is a deity/god of some sort.

Diamond of Existence – the shared meta-multiverse in which absolutely everything takes place. Facets of Existence are insulated from each other except in certain situations.

Diamond Pantheon – a set of gods who have been deemed worthy enough to enter a particular membership. Headed by the Diamond Master. Diamond Pantheon members gain access to more multiversal powers than most gods do. Also the game system used to describe these gods.

DM – Diamond Master, in the Diamond Pantheon context. Might also refer to Dungeon Master in the Dungeons and Dragons context. Either one holds absolute power as to the nature of what takes place within the context of a roleplaying game. The Diamond Master has been described as “a solipsist looking for reality” and is the creator of the Diamond.

Domain – an interest of a god, and the thing they exert the most power over. Has a level, usually 1 to 5.

Exemplar Pantheon – an example pantheon created for this book. Ruled by The Alpha.

Facet – a world, universe, or even multiverse within everything that falls under the jurisdiction of the Diamond Pantheon rules. Each campaign world run by a game master or author is a Facet. The place where the Pantheon gods pass the time, the Pinnacle Tapestry/Diamond Gardens, is a Facet by itself.

Favor – a currency describing the debts gods owe one another. Metagod Favor is used to buy mechanical benefits.

GM – Game Master. Acts as a referee or co-author for a roleplaying game.

Hyper – a prefix describing something that is of higher dimension than normal, such as a hypercube.


Metagod – a member of the Unblemished Tier, the highest Tier of the Diamond Pantheon. Gods providing a mechanical benefit to the game as a whole.

Norns – also known as Fates. The Steep Norns decide the births and deaths of gods and help to weave the story of the Diamond of Existence.
Player character – a single character of finite power run by a human from meatspace, not controlled by the GM. Some deities on the Diamond Pantheon are Player Characters. Others are run by the Diamond Master.

Precedent – a set of forum posts that have been set aside for displaying certain archetypes of gameplay. A good place to look for examples.

Sponsor – cause apotheosis.

Steep - A descriptive term for a level of divine strength or power of one sort or another on the Diamond. Often describes things that are more primal (for eg, Steep Odin is the Odin for which all other Odins are named).

Tier – a relative measure of the broad scope of a god’s power. There are four. You can think of a Tier as a god’s level.

Unblemished Tier – see Metagod.

Weakness – the opposite of a domain. Something where a deity is especially vulnerable.
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Diamond Master
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Posts: 653
Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:55 am
Statistics: Tier: Metagod (Unblemished Tier)
Domains: Creation
Weakness: None

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